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Change HistoryΒΆ


This release completes the integration into standard logging, changes the project folder structure and the license.
(License switched to MIT. Simply looks simpler than BSD.)
- Bugfixes:
  - calls with standard logging did not translate the logging.LEVEL into a rrlog category (like "E") 
- Features:
  - integration into standard logging supports now: separate arguments which are later merged into the message string
- Removed:
  - the lib3k directory (containing a generated Python3 version) is removed 
    since the Python 2to3 tool succeeds now without tweaking.  

This release brings performant remote logging over TCP sockets without xmlrpc, and slightly improved email notification.
Backwards compatibility is broken; mainly because the archiver functionality is removed.
There is a "simplejson" package (MIT License) included as a fallback for old Python versions (2.5 and older).
With newer Python versions, the bundled simplejson could be safely removed.
- Bugfixes:
  - Documentation: missing statement that the integration of the standard logging is incomplete
    (that's not improved yet, but documented)
- Features:
  - fast remote logging with the new socket modules.
    This is comparable to the SocketHandler way of Pyton standard logging
  - Mail module: Allows custom mail contents formatting and custom subject
  - Mail module: Parameter added for SMTP mail notification: supports SMTP servers with a login name different from "from_address"
  - Documentation switched from epydoc to sphinx.  
- Removed:
  - The archiver functionality (for both files and database) is removed.
    The archivers would have required a fix because of other changes (the unique client id of remote logging was removed).
    We preferred to drop archivers completely instead. (In favour of later extracting messages from the
    logs, with simple shell scripts -- that seems more flexible and robust.)
- API Changes:
  - Python 2.3 support is skipped (mainly because of the json usage for remote logging.)
	Minimum Python version is 2.4 now. Some features may still work with 2.3 but this is not tested.
  - XMLRPC: For security reasons, the XMLRPC remote logging uses the json serializer per default now. This will affect
    any customization which sent arbitrary objects instead of pythons standard data types.
    If you should be biten here, see the XMLRPC section in the manual for how to solve that.
  - XMLRPC: default port changed to 9801; module variable is 'DEFAULTPORT_XMLRPC' now instead 'DEFAULT_TCP_PORT'
  - XMLRPC: startServer() method signature changed, argument order is 'host' before 'ports' for consistency
  - remote logging: message timestamps are taken at client(application) side for accuracy (was on server side before)
  - removed two minor LogServer.__init__ parameters (oie and initMsg).
    (oie parameter is replaced by another way to handle log internal errors, see below)
  - log internal warnings use the warnings module now
    Optionally, one or more writers can be explicitly assigned to log such internal errors (replaces "oie" parameter)
  - the "client id" which was assigned by the log server to any client, is replaced by
    the triple: client pid/threadname/threadid.
    This eliminates bidirectional data transfer we had before, and simplifies Client-Server reconnection.
  - Mail module:
    Some method names and signatures have changed. create_observer_smtp() is deprecated; use mailnotifier() instead.
  - Log.__init__: The long-deprecated "on" argument is removed
- Deprecated:
  - Log.__call__: Custom "ad-hoc" kwargs are deprecated, in favour of the "special" argument
  Hint: Python2.7 hides DeprecationWarnings by default (!) See

This release is for compatibility with the latest SQLAlchemy (v0.6.0).
There's no need to upgrade from v0.2.2 if you don't use database logging.
- Fixed InvalidRequestError with SQLAlchemy v0.6.0
- database logging features enabled in the experimental Python3 version (lib3k/ directory)

This release brings bugfixes in observer handling and xmlrpc logging, and adds mail notifications.
- module for Mail notifications added (currently, via SMTP server only)
  (Sends EMail summaries when messages of defined categories appear.) 
- Bugfixes:
  - marshal error in XMLRPC logging when the callers function name could not be detected (critical/since v0.2.1)
  - handling of internal errors in custom observers/filters fixed
  - observer API behaves like documented in pydoc now (i.e.both __call__() and observe() methods are recognized)
- Minor additions:
  - added a second standard timestamp format "std2" which contains month/day 
    (Note: custom strftime formats are always possible)
  - the archiver create... functions take optional observer/filter arguments now
    (intended to cascade observers, e.g. to send a mail when messages are archived)
  - the xmlrpc client create... function takes the "extractStack" parameter to switch off stack extraction

This release brings database-archiver bugfixes, more debug information, unified formatting methods, 
a speed improvement, deprecation of legacy code and a revised & extended manual. 
- Logged tracebacks contain the callers function name (additionally to filename & line number)
- The log client process id is by default now in the logged data
- new log creation parameter: "extractStack=False" can double performance (but disable any stack related functionality, e.g.line indention) 
- Bugfixes:
  - the "problem_id" of the DB Table Archiver wasn't unique per triggering message but the name ("id") suggested that, 
    which was considered to be a bug. Now it is unique as expected. Additionally, it is renamed 
    to "trigger_id" since it behaves different (it's based on process ids now.)
  - When using the combination of:Archiving Tool,Database Logging,activated Meta Table and 
    non-remote logging with multiple processes, writing the meta table failed with Integrity Errors, 
    resulting in annoying "Internal Error" messages in both the main log and the archive table.
- API changes / Deprecation:
  - Archiver: the "problem_id" is replaced by a "trigger_id" which is unique because based on process ids
  - the "seFilesExclude" parameter behaves different for the sake of consistency now,
    it is applied to all stacktrace items (before, the first one was treated special and could not be hidden)    
  - getFormattedDict() method is deprecated in favour of a new _format_dict method in the DBLogWriter,
    analogous to the way we already format files and stdout. Also analogous, a simple callable
    (format_dict) can be provided to the server which does custom formatting of each table field.
- minor behaviour changes:
  - timestamps are activated per default in filewriter.createRotatingServer (before: tsFormat was None by default)
  - modified the default text line format 

This release brings minor bugfixes,full column configuration,
some Deprecations and a step towards Python3.
- DB columns can be fully configured; you may add/remove/re-order columns,
  and define columns to be primary keys, change max size of string columns etc.
- nicer stackpath formatting, e.g. dots indicate omitted file names  
- Bugfixes:
  - Report of internal logging errors (which occurred with Python3.0) do not fail anymore
    with "Error while reporting an internal error"
  - the default "seFilesExclude" implementation now also takes effect with Python 
    installations where "logging/" is preceded by an absolute path 
- API changes / Deprecation:
  - Archiving tool: Anything in the deprecated "probarch_sa" module raises
    DeprecationWarning, requesting to use the "catarch_dbsa" module instead.
  - the createColumns() method requires an argument 
    (since the way to configure custom columns has changed.)
- minor behaviour changes:
  - custom line formatting method for print-output need to add the linebreak "\n" 
    by themselves (analogous to file lines).     
- Python3 preparations:
  - experimental Python3 version added (without DB-logging support;
    DB logging with Python3 has to wait for
    Python3-SQLAlchemy (and MySQLdb for MySQL users.)) 
  - all non-DB-related tests pass with Python2.6 now
  - all tests pass with nosetest, too, since py.test
    is not expected to get Python3 compatible near-term.

- filter mechanism added
- added a filter to indent messages by stack depth (visualizes the call hierarchy)
- logging to stdout added (analogous to file logging)
- minor behavior changes:
  - text file logging: When stack logging is switched off (stackMax=0), the annoying
    linenumber/filename placeholders ("-1"/"-off-") are supressed
  - rotation is lazy ( empty next file/table is waiting for its first message)
  - database logging: The "path" column has the complete path, 
    i.e.the cfn/cln columns get redundant.
- API changes:
  - file logging: The "linenumbers" argument is removed, as well as the _line method
    Instead, a callable "format_line" argument allows full custom formatting (it 
    takes a job, and returns the formatted line string.)
  - The create* and __init__ methods got additional args, and the arg order changed
    (best practice is using kwargs as all examples do, to be independent from the arg order).
  - the "special" dict in the MsgJob can be empty but no more None (which was annoying)
  - observers can be callables now (this is backwards compatible; the observer.observe()
    method is still used when found.)

- Integration into the Python standard logging (as a Handler) added
- new "seFilesExclude" parameter allows better readable stack logging by excluding files
- API Changes:
  -Archiving tool: parameter "problemCats" deprecated (is renamed to "cats" and defaults to None)
  -the log.log() method is removed (log.log() was for
   compatibility with pre - 0.1.0 versions only. It has never been documented in the manual.)

- Archiver is available for both text file and database logging
- Archiver can rotate, analogous to the "normal" log
- Unicode helper functions has been revised:
  The lu2a* functions use the standard backslash style for 
  non-ascii characters (e.g.\\xc4 instead of <196> which was HTML/XML-unfriendly.)
  The max parameter of lu2a* limits the _result_ length now
  (instead of limiting the ingoing unicode string, which was annoying 
  when storing the result into fixed-length database fields.)
- Incompatible API changes: 
  - Archiver creation function is changed
  (the old example code is still working but there's no full compatibility; see manual.)
  - The "overwrite" parameter in the create* functions is named "drop"
  now which defaults to True ("overwrite" may have suggested we overwrite existing files/tables
  line by line which is not right.)
  - Customizing DB Columns has slightly changed, see example in the manual.

- Problem Archiving Tool revised. Works without DB-read-operations now,
  to reduce DB load in case of many error messages. Futher, it
  allows better customization (see manual.)
- The observe() method has changed. Mainly, it receives a job history
  now instead of a single job.
- A defined API to customize the output line format is available now.
- The depth of logged stacktraces 
  can be set in the createLocalLog methods now (stackMax parameter).
- speed of Database Logging improved
- The witless initial message ("Generated by...") is not written by default anymore

- Compatible with SQLAlchemy 0.4.0beta5
  (SQLAlchemy 0.3.x is still supported)

- First public release